How I clean my makeup brushes

Cleaning makeup brushes is one of those tasks that every girl who wears makeup must carry out. You wouldn’t believe how many people i know that hardly ever clean their makeup brushes or even clean them at all! So let me just tell you why it is important to clean your makeup brushes. Firstly when you apply foundation or even any makeup to your skin, your brush picks up the bacteria from your skin. It is then just left on your brush to grow, therefore when you next use your brush the bacteria that has been growing is now on your skin Consequently, this causes you to break out and i know none of you guys what that. So i’m going to take you through these simple steps on how i clean my makeup brushes.



  1. Get your brushes layed out ready for cleaning
  2. Lightly dampen your brushes with lukewarm water
  3. Pump your cleaning product onto your brushes ( I like to use a shower cream but you could use an anti bacterial soap to kill all the nasty germs)
  4. Now you want to start swirling your brush on you hand, adding water as you go to really make sure your brushes are clean.
  5. Squeeze out the excess product and you’ll see the makeup flow down the plug hole.
  6. If necessary, repeat again to really make sure your brushes are nice and clean.
  7. And there you go, you now have nice clean brushes

Tip: Make sure you let the brushes dry fully before using them again

In the photo it may look like there is not a difference but trust me in real life there is


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