Top 5 Christmas movies ðŸŽ„💽

In today’s post, I thought I would share my top 5 Christmas movies. I find that sitting down to watch a Christmas movie is the perfect way to get into the festive spirit. So in no particular order here are my top 5 Christmas movies.


 Where do I begin! Elf is now a tradition in my house. Every year on Christmas Day, we always watch elf whilst we open our presents. This is one of those movies where if you haven’t seen it, you are missing out big time. It’s so funny and just an all round amazing Christmas movie.

Love actually

Love actually follows the lives of eight very different couples in dealing with their love lives in various loosely interrelated tales all set during a frantic month before Christmas. It made me laugh, cry and it made me smile. There was no need of marvellous photography, neither splendrous costume… But every detail was placed perfectly. Excellent actors and performances. It was a very good combination of experiences and just love this film.


 This is a very modern Christmas movie and it’s one everyone can relate to because I’m sure we have all been in the school nativity at least once in our lives. It has a great storyline and always puts me in a happy festive mood.

Home alone

Well, this is just a classic Christmas movie about a young boy who gets left behind at the airport, whilst his family go on the Christmas vacation without realising he’s not with them. Overall it’s such a good movie and if you love a classic Christmas movie this is the one for you.

Arthur Christmas

This was only one of my favourites last year because when it came out I never went to see it, but I’m so glad I’ve watched it now. So basically it’s about Santa and his two sons and how they deliver everyone’s Christmas presents but then there’s a mistake and Christmas is almost ruined. It’s a great family movie and I would highly recommend it.

Let me know in the comments what your favourite Christmas movies are.

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